This Conflict of Interests policy sets out how Logistable Limited (“Logistable”, “it”) will:
Logistable has appointed its Compliance Officer, as the individual responsible for active management of conflicts of interest. Active management of conflicts of interest covers the following:
Logistable has identified the potential conflicts of interest that exist in its business and has put in place measures it considers appropriate to manage the relevant conflict identified. The conflicts identified include:
A conflict of interest is a conflict that arises in any area of Logistable’s business in the course of providing its clients with a service which may benefit Logistable (or another client for whom Logistable is acting) whilst potentially materially damaging another client where Logistable owes a duty of care to the client. There may be a conflict where Logistable (or anyone connected to Logistable):
If the Compliance Officer determines that one or more of the abovementioned criteria apply, the conflict of interest thus identified is documented in writing in a Conflicts of Interest Register and included in the active management of conflicts of interest.
Logistable requires the segregation (where possible) of the duties of its senior management so as to avoid conflicts of interests.
Where the measures in place do not, in the view of Logistable, sufficiently protect the interests of clients, and the arrangements made by Logistable are not sufficient to ensure with reasonable confidence that the risk of damage to the interests of clients will be prevented, Logistable:
It is the responsibility of all employees to report conflicts of interest to their line manager who will in turn report them to the Compliance Officer. Failure to adhere to this policy can be taken to be a breach of an employee’s contract. Overall responsibility for Conflicts of Interest lies with the Board of Directors. The Compliance Officer is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Policy. The Board of Directors via the Compliance Officer has responsibility for ensuring that staff is aware of the aspects of the Policy relevant to them.
Detailed below are examples of situations where conflicts of interest may be identified and managed accordingly:
Logistable has defined clear reporting lines and a flat management structure both of which promote the swift and effective reporting of conflicts of interest. An organisational chart is maintained and it is reviewed and approved annually by the board of directors.
Key activities, which by their nature, can give rise to conflicts of interest are, where possible, segregated within Logistable. Furthermore the activities of departments within Logistable are, where possible, carried out with an appropriate level of independence. These duties are set out via job descriptions, procedure manuals and organisation charts. Ensuring these duties remain segregated is the responsibility of the Compliance Officer.
The remuneration package of Logistable employees is in no way linked to specific transactions and/or the performance of the Company. Potential conflicts arising and arrangements for controlling/mitigating them are identified in the Conflicts of Interest Register.
Employees and Directors are required to disclose conflicts of interest. Employees will disclose any conflicts of interest to their line manager who in turn will inform the Compliance Officer. Directors will disclose any conflicts directly to the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer will record these conflicts of interest in the Conflicts of Interest Register and inform the Board of Directors of any action taken.
The Conflicts of Interest Register contains information on:
If arrangements to manage a conflict of interest are not sufficient to ensure with reasonable confidence that the risk of damage to that client’s interests is prevented, the client will be informed in a durable medium, of the general nature and/or source of the conflict in such a way that an informed decision can be made by that client before business is undertaken.
In recruiting individuals their fitness and propriety is considered by the Compliance Officer as well as technical and managerial ability. Background checks are made including submitting a Vetting Application Form to the Royal Gibraltar Police. Furthermore references from former employers or named referees are sought.
Employee compliance training relevant to conflicts of interest is designed to ensure they are aware of, and can deal appropriately with, any conflicts of interest they may encounter. The Compliance Officer ensures that appropriate training is devised and delivered.
Systems and controls are documented in the procedures manuals which are reviewed at least once a year to ensure they are relevant. In addition Logistable has:
The principal means of verifying that these policies have been complied with will be an annual compliance review undertaken by the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer will have the responsibility of considering compliance with the policy on a regular basis and will report formally to the Board of Directors.
This Policy will be reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors at least annually.